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Display: The displays have rounded corners. When measured diagonally as a rectangle, the iPad Pro 12.9-inch screen is 12.9 inches, the iPad Pro 11-inch screen is 11 inches, the iPad Air (4th generation) screen is 10.86 inches, and the iPad mini (6th generation) screen is 8.3 inches. Actual viewable area is less.

Capacity: Available space is less and varies due to many factors. A standard configuration uses approximately 10GB to 13GB of space (including iPadOS and preinstalled apps) depending on the model and settings. Preinstalled apps use about 4GB, and you can delete these apps and restore them. Storage capacity subject to change based on software version and may vary by device.

Cellular and Wireless: Data plan required. 5G, 4G LTE Advanced, and 4G LTE are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput and vary based on site conditions and carrier. For details on 5G and LTE support, contact your carrier and see apple.com/ipad/cellular.

Accessories: Accessories sold separately.